1.-Go to start, and click on Run, type Regedit & press enter there.
2.-Navigate to:
HKEY _ LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\
Direct find OEMBckground
3.-Double-Click the OEMBackground DWORD key
4.-Set value of the key to 1.
![]() |
Add caption |
5.-select a background image for logon Screen with size less than
256KB in size(Use of Image Resize software link VSO Resizer can help )
6.-copy that image into the
C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds folder
Create folder info
Again Create folder backgrounds
7.-Rename the image to backgroundDefault.jpg
8.-Reboot, and now your logon image would have change
PLZ VISIT Facebook Page WindowsRegistryEdit Thanks.
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